FAQs – Frequently asked questions

According to the OSH Act (2007) a workplace includes, any land, premises,
location, vessel or thing, at, in, upon, or near which, a worker is, in the course
of employment.

Every occupier with twenty (20) or more employees at the workplace
should constitute a safety and health committee and train its members.
Workplaces which do not meet the criteria under the number of
employees may be required by the DOSHS Director to constitute a safety
and health committee.

It is the duty of every occupier to register his workplace unless such workplace
is excepted from registration under the OSH Act.

In every workplace shall be persons trained in first aid and at least one such
person shall always be available in the workplace at all times during all working

Every occupier shall establish a fire fighting team and ensure that its members
are trained on the safe use of the installed fire fighting appliances.

Every occupier of a workplace shall cause a thorough:
Safety and health audit
Fire safety audit
of his workplace to be carried out at least once in every period of twelve
(12) months.